‘This is life changing’: Woman reveals her simple trick that will keep avocados ripe for days – and you only need ONE ingredient

An unnamed woman has wowed t

An unnamed woman has wowed t

Avocados are a staple in many people’s fridges, but unfortunately the popular fruit tends to go brown just a day or two after they’re purchased. 

But it has now been revealed that there is a very simple and easy trick to keep avocados fresh for days – and all it requires is a bit of coconut oil.   

According to one quick-thinking avocado lover, simply brushing some melted coconut oil onto the flesh of an avocado will prevent it from browning and allow you to keep cut avocado on-hand for days – rather than having to eat it within hours.  

‘Brush melted coconut oil over your avocado to keep it sealed,’ the woman revealed on Facebook, while sharing a picture of her own avocado to prove just how well the trick works. 

‘The little bit of browning was already there before I sealed it,’ she said, referring to the photo, which captures an avocado half that shows just a few specks of brown. 

Though simple, the trick has wowed the internet, with many people praising the woman for her clever hack.  

One commenter even went as far as to call her trick ‘life changing’.  

So why is the trick so effective?  

Avocados turn brown because they contain an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, which oxidises when it comes into contact with the air, and causes the flesh of the fruit to change color. 

The coconut oil prevents air from reaching the avocado flesh, therefore preventing this process from occurring, and ensuring that the fruit stays green and fresh-looking for longer.

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